Market Control Online (MC)

03 Feb 2019, 08:48

CRM Customer reservation management | Market control ERP


Market control is a complex ERP system software ,which afford the CRM Customer reservation management module as a part of its modules.

The program is helping (small-medium-large) organizations or companys to reach their peak point in its field.

How could the ERP software help you with your customers to reach your goals?
-The MC system now helps you with the best Possibilities to be connected to your clients every where ,even if they where not interested .. by making offers and managing your cycle by the right way .. you will be connected in the right way.
you must always follow up with them ,customers in many organizations needs customer care ,so ; if they feel you take care of them , you are on the right way ,
Which will attract others or make them interested for your products !

About the System:
-CRM module in the Marcet control ERP system offers a very flexible part ,you will be engaged to your real and not interested customers .. you can contact with them via sending e-mails and mobile contact ,and can helps you to find out and avoid repeating and be a boring system ..
This part have many abilities to attract customers of your field ,and gain much profit for your company or organization.

if you need to get a close idea about our product Softex Market Control ; Known as MC provides an integrated ERP Suite that covers Inventory, purchasing, Sales, Financial Accounting, Financial Analysis, Personal and Payroll Systems. The system is developed to link different locations with hundreds of users working together on the same time. MC Provides organizations with the right tools to better monitor, control and improve their business.

You can reach much information by visiting our website :
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you can also contact us on these numbers :
(+202) 24529717 - (+202) 24513438
(+202) 25378566 - (+202) 25378577

And you can contact us on e-mail via :

Note that you can now subscribe to our channel on youtube to get the new features and update on our integrated ERP system Market Control :
-Update playlist link :-> ... 8Z9Y5It5cF <
-SoftexTube :-> ... CMH9HpKepg <

Also you can find more about this product here at our forum >> ... f=3&t=6852 <<
And for Updates and more articles and posts for Softex Market Control products
>> ... um.php?f=3 <<

This was a small article about CRM product,you can ask every where for much info.