Softex Hosting and Email Services

06 Oct 2012, 21:56

How to Transfer Domains and hosting into Softex Servers


Greetings everybody,
Since Softex provides a reliable, high performance Web hosting plans that everybody wants to use for their websites and emails. Many of our new customers are asking how to transfer their domains into Softex so that we can manage it for them.

In order to make it easy for our new customers we decided to write down a detailed explanation about the steps required to do so.

1. First of all You need to Ask you current Domain company to change the domain administrative contact email , Technical support Contact Email and billing Contact Email to be : , this step is free so do not let your current domain holder to charge you for it 

2. You need to ask your current domain Holder to change the domain status to be "Unlocked" , by default most of the domain companies "Lock Domains" to prevent domain thefts or accidental transfers. Just Ask him to change its status to be "Unlocked" , also this step is free so do not let your current domain holder to charge you for it 

3. You need to ask for your current domain Authorization Code, Every domain has an authorization code to control the domain. Ask your current domain holder to send it to you via email or give you domain username and password to get it by yourself (do not worry, Softex technicians will help you do so, if you have the domain username and password) , of course this is free as well.

Once you have done these 3 steps and sent them into an email to "" , Softex team will process the transfer for you and usually this takes between 7 - 14 days to get completed. Once done, Softex Tech. team will notify you we have the domain, and we can start managing the domain for you. We will fully create the hosting plan after the transfer is successful.

We hope everything is clear, and we will do our best to support your business very soon.

Welcome to Softex Premium Hosting Plans.
